
Nosotras Lenormand deck, by Elisa Riemer and Paula Maria Riemer

What is Petit Lenormand?

The Petit Lenormand deck is a set of 36 cards used for oracle purposes. Each card features a simple, evocative image, representing various aspects of daily life, people, and situations. Unlike Tarot, Lenormand cards focus more on practical matters and concrete situations, offering straightforward answers and advice.

"Lenormand Cards are an alternative system of cartomancy, similar to Tarot but also different in purpose, feeling and structure. Unlike Tarot, Lenormand is a much more practical deck - focusing somewhat less on psychological feelings and instead on everyday happenings. You'll notice when reading with Lenormand decks, that these cards tend to focus on practical matters - Tarot focuses on the "why", while Lenormand tends to focus on the "how". With 36 cards in the deck, the Lenormand system generally gives more clarity when using pairs of cards instead of individual drawings." ~ Labyrinthos Academy

Mlle. Lenormand Cartomancy Deck by Piatnik

A Brief History

Mlle. Lenormand Cartomancy Deck by Piatnik

Find out more about how I link study and intuition when reading the cards and what does that mean for your reading. 

Having a hard time formulating a question that can help with a difficult situation? Check out this page, or contact me and I can help.

I do not use Tarot or Lenormand readings in replacement of Therapy;

I do not use Tarot or Lenormand to replace conventional medicine;

I do not use Tarot or Lenormand to replace professional financial or legal advice;

I do not use Tarot or Lenormand as part of psychic practices.